About Us
“When we launched Eat. Learn. Play. in 2019, we saw the tremendous need that existed in our adopted hometown of Oakland and set out to use our platform and resources to work to unlock the full potential of the kids in our community”
—Stephen and Ayesha Curry, Co-Founders of Eat. Learn. Play.
Our Mission
We support children’s wellbeing through access to nutritious meals, quality reading resources and opportunities to play and be active because everyone deserves the chance to live a happy, healthy childhood.
Our Focus
We take a whole child, whole school approach:
For the Whole Child: We provide the resources and support kids need to thrive at school and reach their full potential. Including access to nutritious food, high-dosage literacy tutoring, and sports.
For the Whole School: We transform school spaces to ensure kids have equitable access to dignified, joyful places to eat, learn, and play. Including transformations to schoolyards, cafeterias, libraries, and gyms.
Eat. Learn. Play. in the Community

Our Impact
Over the past five years, we’ve been inspired by the impact that happens when a community comes together to make a change, and we are now further invested to meet Oakland kids where they are each and every day, to transform their school experience and create lasting change for generations of Oakland students. While we’re happy with what we’ve accomplished in our first five years, we’re also looking ahead, growing our work in exciting new ways as we continue to serve our adopted community of Oakland.
We hope you’ll join us in unlocking the amazing potential of every child.
Board of Directors
Our Team

Stephen and Ayesha Curry cover all of Eat. Learn. Play.’s administrative and fundraising costs, so every dollar you donate goes back into our community programs.
We truly appreciate your support and are excited to show you exactly how your contributions make a difference!
For more information, please contact: info@eatlearnplay.org or (510) 775-2003
Partner With Us
Join us by donating to ensure kids have a happy, healthy, and successful childhood.